Course Outcomes

Semester: 3
COsEconomics for Engineers (HSMC-01G)
HSMC-01G.1Define economics in context of Engineering.
HSMC-01G.2Recognize all aspects/scope of economics.
HSMC-01G.3Understand the phenomenon of demand and supply.
HSMC-01G.4Examine all the possible costs occurring in context of Engineering.
HSMC-01G.5Evaluate various consumer Equilibrium.
HSMC-01G.6Formulate various strategies to different markets/ situations.
COsIntroduction to Civil Engineering (PCC-201G)
PCC-201G.1Define broad disciplines of Civil Engineering.
PCC-201G.2Describe properties of various building materials.
PCC-201G.3Choose traditional building materials for building construction.
PCC-201G.4Compare various types of building units.
PCC-201G.5Select suitable type of masonry with their applications.
COsMathematics -III (BSC-MTH-205G)
BSC-MTH-205G.1Recall the basics of differential and integral calculus.
BSC-MTH-205G.2Understand various methods of partial differential equations, numerical methods, Laplace transforms and Algebraic Structure.
BSC-MTH-205G.3Apply the different methods to solve complex engineering problems.
BSC-MTH-205G.4Solve the numerical problems related to linear and nonlinear differential equations, polynomial, transcendental equations, Laplace transforms of derivatives & integrals and Algebraic Structure.
COsEngineering Mechanics  (PCC-203G)
PCC-203G.1Describe methods of structural analysis.
PCC-203G.2Explain different types of stress and strain.
PCC-203G.3Apply the principles of structural mechanics in design structural elements.
PCC-203G.4Analyze failure of column.
PCC-203G.5Evaluate Bending stresses and Shear stresses in beam.
COsEnvironmental Science (MC-106G)
MC-106G.1Understand the natural environment and its relationships with human activities.
MC-106G.2Explain the functions and structure of different ecosystems.
MC-106G.3Apply the fundamental knowledge of science and engineering to assess environmental and health risk.
MC-106G.4Analyze environmental problems and solutions through organized research.
MC-106G.5Develop guidelines and procedures for health and safety issues obeying the environmental laws and regulations.
COsFluid Mechanics  (PCC-CE-205G)
PCC-CE-205G.1Define fundamental terms of fluid mechanics.
PCC-CE-205G.2Explain principles of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics.
PCC-CE-205G.3Apply the continuity, momentum, energy principles and dimensional analysis.
PCC-CE-205G.4Differentiate various fluid flows.
PCC-CE-205G.5Evaluate boundary layer thickness, laminar and boundary layer on flat plate.
COsSurveying  (PCC-CE-207G)
PCC-CE-207G.1Define  surveying technique that will used in field.
PCC-CE-207G.2Explain the working principles of surveying instrument.
PCC-CE-207G.3Interpret survey data and compute areas and volumes.
PCC-CE-207G.4Examine different methods and their procedure for levelling.
PCC-CE-207G.5Evaluate the simple & complex problems of different instrument methods of Survey.
COsBuilding Drawing Lab (LC-CE-209G)
LC-CE-209G.1Define basic concept & component of a building.
LC-CE-209G.2Recognize different units of a building structure by understanding the principles of their planning.
LC-CE-209G.3Use various symbols, conventions and abbreviations for building drawing units & improve sketching techniques with the ability to use engineering scales.
COsEngineering Mechanics Lab (LC-CE-211G)
LC-CE-211G.1Memorize various structural components and its behavior.
LC-CE-211G.2Identify responses of various structural elements under loading.
LC-CE-211G.3Apply the principles of structural mechanics to study torsion of cylindrical bars.
LC-CE-211G.4Analyze trusses and curved beams.
LC-CE-211G.5Evaluate deflections of pin jointed trusses.
COsFluid Mechanics Lab (LC-CE-213G)
LC-CE-213G.1Calibrate flow measuring devices used in pipes, channels and tanks.
LC-CE-213G.2Apply various mathematical equations to solve flow problems.
LC-CE-213G.3Evaluate discharge from various devices.
COsSurveying Lab (LC-CE-215G)
LC-CE-215G.1Discuss the dimensions and angles in vertical and horizontal plane to arrive at solutions to the basic surveying problems.
LC-CE-215G.2Use the geodetic data for survey problems.
LC-CE-215G.3Examine techniques, skills and conventional surveying instruments necessary for engineering practice.
LC-CE-215G.4Judge effectively field procedures required for a professional surveyor.
Semester: 4
COsOrganizational Behaviour (HSMC-02G)
HSMC-02G.1Define Organizational Behavior.
HSMC-02G.2Recognize all aspects of management process.
HSMC-02G.3Understand the phenomenon of learning.
HSMC-02G.4Examine all sources of conflict.
HSMC-02G.5Formulate various organizational structures, good framework for organizational change.
COsHydraulic Engineering  (PCC-CE-202G)
PCC-CE-202G.1Define basic concepts of hydraulic engineering.
PCC-CE-202G.2Describe problems related to open channel flow.
PCC-CE-202G.3Apply mathematical concepts to derive various equations for flowing fluid.
PCC-CE-202G.4Analyze pipe networks as well as open channels.
PCC-CE-202G.5Evaluate various types of flow.
COsDesign of Concrete Structures (PCC-CE-204G)
PCC-CE-204G.1Describe various methods of RCC Design.
PCC-CE-204G.2Explain different parameters of RCC Structures.
PCC-CE-204G.3Apply the codal provisions for the design of RCC structures.
PCC-CE-204G.4Examine Structural Behaviours of RCC Elements.
PCC-CE-204G.5Evaluate the reinforcement of RCC structure.
PCC-CE-204G.6Design various RCC Building elements.
COsStructural Analysis (PCC-CE-206G)
PCC-CE-206G.1Define basic concepts of determinacy and indeterminacy, Two hinge arches and three hinge arch, various types of truss.
PCC-CE-206G.2Describe Castigliano`s first and second theorem, symmetrical and unsymmetrical bending.
PCC-CE-206G.3Apply slope deflection method and moment distribution method for frame analysis.
PCC-CE-206G.4Analyze the stability of structures under rolling loads through influence line diagrams.
PCC-CE-206G.5Evaluate the framed structures through different methods of truss analysis.
COsGeometric & Aerial Surveying  (PCC-CE-208G)
PCC-CE-208G.1Describe the advanced methods of locating horizontal controls.
PCC-CE-208G.2Explain the procedure and methods involved in photographic survey.
PCC-CE-208G.3Interpret principle of photo interpretation and photogrammetric monitoring in Civil Engineering.
PCC-CE-208G.4Analyze problems with various types of advanced tools.
PCC-CE-208G.5Evaluate errors in measurements and their adjustment.
COsMaterial Testing & Evaluation  (PCC-CE-210G)
PCC-CE-210G.1Describe the concrete materials as per IS code.
PCC-CE-210G.2Classify and characterize the aggregates.
PCC-CE-210G.3Apply fundamental knowledge in the properties of concrete.
PCC-CE-210G.4Analyze the test of concrete.
PCC-CE-210G.5Evaluate the quantity of aggregate used in concrete mix.
PCC-CE-210G.6Design concrete mix of desired grade.
COsHydraulic Engineering Lab (LC-CE-212G)
LC-CE-212G.1Understand the flow measurement in a pipe flow.
LC-CE-212G.2Determine the energy loss in pipe flow.
LC-CE-212G.3Study the loss due to pipe fittings.
LC-CE-212G.4Measure the discharge in pipes and energy loss in conduits.
LC-CE-212G.5Formulate Discharge measurements in open channel flow.
COsStructural Analysis Lab (LC-CE-214G)
LC-CE-214G.1Understand the concept of horizontal thrust in two hinge arches and three hinge arches.
LC-CE-214G.2Determine loads carried and nature of load by every member of frame structures.
LC-CE-214G.3Study verification of Muller Breslau principle.
LC-CE-214G.4Analyze the cable geometry and statics for different loading conditions.
LC-CE-214G.5Use mechanical and electrical strain and stress gauges.
COsGeometric & Aerial Surveying Lab (LC-CE-216G)
LC-CE-216G.1Describe the importance of triangulation.
LC-CE-216G.2Explain various parts of theodolite.
LC-CE-216G.3Apply fundamental use of tachometer.
LC-CE-216G.4Analyze horizontal distance and elevations using tachometer.
COsMaterial Testing & Evaluation Lab (LC-CE-218G)
LC-CE-218G.1Describe the importance of testing of cement, sand and aggregate.
LC-CE-218G.2Explain various properties of cement.
LC-CE-218G.3Apply fundamental use of concrete material.
LC-CE-218G.4Analyze tests of concrete.
LC-CE-218G.5Evaluate strength of concrete.
Semester: 5
COsHydrology & Water Recourse Engineering (PCC-CE-301G)
PCC-CE-301G.1Describe concept of hydrology.
PCC-CE-301G.2Explain Ground Water & Well Hydraulics.
PCC-CE-301G.3Apply hydrological data for flood routing.
PCC-CE-301G.4Analyze numerical techniques to ground and surface water.
PCC-CE-301G.5Evaluate the runoff & measurement of precipitation.
COsHighway Engineering (PCC-CE-303G)
PCC-CE-303G.1Describe historical development, classification and planning of roads in India.
PCC-CE-303G.2Understand the principles of Highway geometrics design as per IRC standards.
PCC-CE-303G.3Compare different modes of transport.
PCC-CE-303G.4Test different material used in road construction in Laboratory.
PCC-CE-303G.5Evaluate elements of alignments of road.
COsSoil Mechanics (PCC-CE-305G)
PCC-CE-305G.1Describe the index and engineering properties of the soil.
PCC-CE-305G.2Classify and characterize the soils.
PCC-CE-305G.3Demonstrate interaction between water and soil.
PCC-CE-305G.4Analyze principles of compaction and consolidation settlements of soil.
PCC-CE-305G.5Evaluate the stresses in the soil mass.
PCC-CE-305G.6Develop an understanding of the influence of water flow on the engineering behavior of soils.
COsWater Supply Treatment (PCC-CE-307G)
PCC-CE-307G.1Describe the basic concept of water supply scheme.
PCC-CE-307G.2Explain water pollution and its control.
PCC-CE-307G.3Use of Distribution Reservoir and pipe fittings.
PCC-CE-307G.4Analyze the quality of water.
PCC-CE-307G.5Evaluate the total quantity of water requirement.
PCC-CE-307G.6Design components of water supply systems.
COsDesign of Steel Structures (PCC-CE-309G)
PCC-CE-309G.1Define basic concept of steel structure.
PCC-CE-309G.2Understand various parameters of steel structure.
PCC-CE-309G.3Choose various types of steel structures with their uses.
PCC-CE-309G.4Distinguish various types of steel structures.
PCC-CE-309G.5Evaluate various types of steel structures.
PCC-CE-309G.6Formulate proper designing of steel structure according to their codal provisions.
COsEngineering Geology (PCC-CE-311G)
PCC-CE-311G.1Describe various technical terms in Engineering Geology.
PCC-CE-311G.2Explain mineralogy and petrology.
PCC-CE-311G.3Apply the concept engineering geology to recognize useful construction materials.
PCC-CE-311G.4Analyze Geological investigations for site selection of bridges, dams and reservoir.
COsHighway Engineering-I Lab (LC-CE-313G)
LC-CE-313G.1Describe various properties of material used in transport.
LC-CE-313G.2Explain various test of material used in road construction.
LC-CE-313G.3Uses materials in construction of road.
LC-CE-313G.4Analysis properties of material.
COsSoil Mechanics Lab (LC-CE-315G)
LC-CE-315G.1Explain various properties of soil Visually.
LC-CE-315G.2Evaluate the various methods of calculation of soil property.
COsDesign of Steel Structures Draw Lab (LC-CE-317G)
LC-CE-317G.1Define basic concept & properties of steel structures.
LC-CE-317G.2Use various conventions for steel structures drawing units and improve the ability to perform basic sketching techniques.
LC-CE-317G.3Select detailed drawing for various components according to relevant IS provisions.
COsEngineering Geology Lab (LC-CE-319G)
LC-CE-319G.1Identify minerals and rocks.
LC-CE-319G.2Explain Physical properties of minerals, models of geological structures and out crops patterns of different types of rocks and land forms.
LC-CE-319G.3Use clinometers compass and Bruton compass for measurement dip and strike of formations.
LC-CE-319G.4Analyze  various techniques and to made possible solutions for various Geological Engineering problems
COsSurvey Camp (PT-CE-323G)
PT-CE-323G.1Name the function in multidisciplinary teams.
PT-CE-323G.2Recognize the need and ability to engage in life-long learning.
PT-CE-323G.3Interpret data from the concepts of surveying and plotting topographical maps of various terrains.
PT-CE-323G.4Develop a skill to communicate (both oral and written) effectively.
COsPractical Training -1 (PT-CE-321G)
PT-CE-321G.1Identify various technologies and fields for practical training.
PT-CE-321G.2Understand the process to make reports and presentation.
PT-CE-321G.3Applying engineering knowledge to solve industrial problems.
PT-CE-321G.4Analyze ethical practices and tools used in different technologies.
PT-CE-321G.5Evaluate the performance on parameters such as communication skills, technical knowledge.
PT-CE-321G.6Design and develop the skills to make projects, related to industrial training.
Semester: 6
COsIrrigation Engineering (PCC-CE-302G)
PCC-CE-302G.1Recite basic concept of hydraulic structures.
PCC-CE-302G.2Classify various types of hydraulic structures with their illustration.
PCC-CE-302G.3Choose various types of hydraulic structures with their uses.
PCC-CE-302G.4Distinguish various types of hydraulic structures.
PCC-CE-302G.5Evaluate applying knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to judge and solve real world problems related to irrigation structures.
PCC-CE-302G.6Design various hydraulic structures to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, health safety and sustainability.
COsFoundation Engineering (PCC-CE-304G)
PCC-CE-304G.1Define basic concepts of Foundation engineering.
PCC-CE-304G.2Describe various types of Foundations.
PCC-CE-304G.3Choose various Foundations with their uses.
PCC-CE-304G.4Analyze modes of failure of foundations.
PCC-CE-304G.5Evaluate various Properties of Soil.
PCC-CE-304G.6Formulate proper designing of Foundation according to their codal provisions.
COsHighway Engineering-II (PCC-CE-306G)
PCC-CE-306G.1Describe pavements and its method of construction.
PCC-CE-306G.2Explain drainage works on roads.
PCC-CE-306G.3Apply bituminous and non-bituminous materials for road construction.
PCC-CE-306G.4Compare flexible and rigid pavements.
PCC-CE-306G.5Evaluate economic evaluation of highway projects and source of financing.
PCC-CE-306G.6Design flexible and rigid pavements.
COsWaste Water Treatment (PEC-CEEL302G)
PEC-CEEL302G.1Describe the basics of sewage composition.
PEC-CEEL302G.2Explain the various sewage treatment processes.
PEC-CEEL302G.3Sketch the sewage treatment plant.
PEC-CEEL302G.4Analyze the sewage characteristics.
PEC-CEEL302G.5Evaluate the total quantity of sewage.
PEC-CEEL302G.6Design of various sewage treatment units.
COsRepair &  Rehabilitation of Structures (PEC-CEEL312G)
PEC-CEEL312G.1Describe materials deficiency in concrete structures.
PEC-CEEL312G.2Explain properties of material.
PEC-CEEL312G.3Apply Non Destructive Testing techniques to field problems and cost effective retrofitting strategies for repairs in buildings.
PEC-CEEL312G.4Analyze methods and techniques used in repairing / strengthening existing concrete structures.
COsEnvironmental Engineering Lab (LC-CE-308G)
LC-CE-308G.1Explain importance of laboratory analysis as controlling factor in treatment of water and waste water.
LC-CE-308G.2Examine BOD and COD of water and waste water.
LC-CE-308G.3Perform characterization of study of waste water and determine suitability of water sample as drinking water source.
LC-CE-308G.4Examine water and waste water by following standard method of sampling and testing.
COsFoundation Engineering Lab (LC-CE-310G)
LC-CE-310G.1Understand the grain size analysis.
LC-CE-310G.2Determine strength Parameters of soils.
LC-CE-310G.3Demonstrate various sampling of soil.
LC-CE-310G.4Perform In Situ test (field test of soil).
LC-CE-310G.5Evaluate different types of consolidation tests.
COsHighway Engineering-II Lab (LC-CE-312G)
LC-CE-312G.1Describe various properties of material used in highways.
LC-CE-312G.2Explain various test of material used in road construction.
LC-CE-312G.3Uses materials in construction of road.
LC-CE-312G.4Analyze properties of material.
COsComputer Aided Civil Engineering Design Lab (LC-CE-314G)
LC-CE-314G.1Explain various codal provisions.
LC-CE-314G.2Describe interactive computing of graphics requirements.
LC-CE-314G.3Use of computer aided drafting.
LC-CE-314G.4Analyze beam, frames, and truss.
Semester: 7
COsConstruction Planning And Management
PCC-CE-401-G.1Describe function of project management.
PCC-CE-401-G.2Explain CPM & PERT.
PCC-CE-401-G.3Apply basic knowledge of construction equipment.
PCC-CE-401-G.4Examine event time & activity time for network analysis. .
PCC-CE-401-G.5Evaluate time computation & critical pat
PCC-CE-401-G.6Design network diagram.
COsAdvanced Steel Structure
PCC-403-G.1Describe IS875, IS801, IS811, IS800, 2007, concept of steel structure.
PCC-403-G.2Explain various components of steel structure.
PCC-403-G.3Apply steel members in construction of structure.
PCC-403-G.4Examine strength of steel structure.
PCC-403-G.5Design components of steel structure.
COsDesign Of Hydraulic Structures
PCC-CE-405G.1Recite basic concept of hydraulic structure.
PCC-CE-405G.2Classify various types of hydraulic structures with their illustration.
PCC-CE-405G.3Choose various types of hydraulic structures with their uses.
PCC-CE-405G.4Distinguish various types of hydraulic structures.
PCC-CE-405G.5Evaluate various types of hydraulic structures.
PCC-CE-405G.6Design various types of hydraulic structures.
COsHydropower Engineering
PEC-CEEL- 411 G.1Outline the importance of HPE; Trace the status of Hydropower in India and Abroad.
PEC-CEEL- 411 G.2Differentiate Thermal power and Hydropower, storage and poundage in power generation, Estimate load forecasting.
PEC-CEEL- 411 G.3Dramatize different types of power plants with neat and clean sketches
PEC-CEEL- 411 G.4Distinguish different types of penstocks, power houses and hydraulic turbines.
PEC-CEEL- 411 G.5Evaluate and Judge the status of hydropower in India in upcoming one decade.
COsGround Water Engineering
PEC-CEEL-413-G.1Describe various types of aquifer and its properties.
PEC-CEEL-413-G.2Discuss various recharge techniques of ground water recharge
PEC-CEEL-413-G.3Apply knowledge of various method for tube well installation.
PEC-CEEL-413-G.4Examine Partial penetration of an aquifer by a well.
PEC-CEEL-413-G.5Evaluate discharge from confined and unconfined aquifers.
COsRailway And Airport Engineering
PEC-CEEL- 419 G.1Describe basic concept of railway, tunnel and airport engineering.
PEC-CEEL- 419 G.2Explain processes involved in railway and tunnel maintenance.
PEC-CEEL- 419 G.3Apply basic knowledge of mathematics and science in Geometric design of railways and runways.
PEC-CEEL- 419 G.4Compare different tunnels and its techniques of excavation.
COsProject Work –I
PROJ- CE-427G.1Identify various technologies and fields for practical training.
PROJ- CE-427G.2Understand the process to make reports and presentation.
PROJ- CE-427G.3Applying engineering knowledge to solve industrial problems.
Semester: 8
PEC-CEEL-408G.1Define basic concepts of Geotechnical engineering.
PEC-CEEL-408G.2Describe various types of slopes, piles and methods of soil stabilization.
PEC-CEEL-408G.3Apply mathematical concepts to draw pressure diagram for sheet piles.
PEC-CEEL-408G.4Analyze modes of failure of braced cuts, coffer dams and machine foundations.
PEC-CEEL-408G.5Evaluate natural frequency of machine foundation.
PEC-CEEL-408G.6Design cofferdam and anchored bulkheads.
COsEstimation, Costing And Valuation
PCC-CE-402G.1Describe the importance of estimate
PCC-CE-402G.2Explain different types of estimates and specifications.
PCC-CE-402G.3Use of tenders, Ernst money & measurement book in construction practices.
PCC-CE-402G.4Analyze rate analysis for civil item works.
PCC-CE-402G.5Evaluate the detailed estimate of building.
PCC-CE-402G.6Construct detailed report on estimation and valuation process.
COsStructural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
PEC-CEEL-414-G.1Define key concepts related to structural dynamics, such as natural frequencies, damping and vibration characteristics of structures.
PEC-CEEL-414-G.2Recognize physical phenomenon in the context of structural vibration.
PEC-CEEL-414-G.3Demonstrate the assumptions and limitations of the structural dynamics theories.
PEC-CEEL-414-G.4Analyze engineering problems in the context of structural dynamics.
COsMaterial Science
OEC-PHY-101-G.1Explain the basic concepts of material science and different types of material
Like ceramic, organic materials and cement concrete materials.
OEC-PHY-101-G.2Describe structure, properties and control of multiphase solids with the help
Of phase diagrams and iron carbon system and T.T.T. diagram.
OEC-PHY-101-G.3Illustrate crystal planes & directions, crystal imperfections, diffusion
Mechanism of solid and its application.
OEC-PHY-101-G.4Differentiate crystalline and non-crystalline structures.
OEC-PHY-101-G.5Evaluate performance of materials under high temperature, radiation
Damages and Structure property relationship in concrete.



Semester 1

COsMaterial Technology (MTSD-101)
MTSD-101.1Recall basic properties of different cement and concrete.
MTSD-101.2Explain various factors affecting durability and permeability of concrete.
MTSD-101.3Demonstrate various mechanical test on hardened concrete to check concrete properties.
MTSD-101.4Examine fatigue properties of concrete under super imposed static stress and factors influencing fatigue strength.
MTSD-101.5Evaluate thermal and creep properties of materials under variable temperature enhancing creep.
MTSD-101.6Develop the advanced techniques to minimize the ill effects of adverse climatic conditions on materials.
COsAdvanced Structural Analysis (MTSD-102)
MTSD-102.1Recall different types of loads, frames and beams.
MTSD-102.2Compare flexibility and stiffness matrix methods.
MTSD-102.3Apply matrix methods to solve various structurally indeterminate structures.
MTSD-102.4Analyze beams, frames and trusses using matrix method of analysis.
MTSD-102.5Evaluate forces in members of trusses and frames.
COsPre-stress Concrete Design (MTSD-103)
MTSD-103.1Outline limit state method.
MTSD-103.2Understand the concepts of pre-stressing in concrete structures.
MTSD-103.3Applying prestress concrete in construction.
MTSD-103.4Examine  parameters in prestress concrete member.
MTSD-103.5Evaluating strength of prestress member.
COsDesign of Structures-1 (MTSD-104)
MTSD-104.1Describe properties of structural steel.
MTSD-104.2Understand various parameter of steel and RCC.
MTSD-104.3Apply code in the analysis and design of structure.
MTSD-104.4Compare  RCC and steel structure.
MTSD-104.5Evaluating strength of structure.
MTSD-104.6Design  elements of RCC and steel structure.
COsMaterial Science (MTSD-110)
MTSD-110.1Explain the basic concepts of material science.
MTSD-110.2Describe structure, properties and control of multiphase solids with the help of phase diagrams.
MTSD-110.3Apply knowledge of crystal imperfections, diffusion mechanism of solid.
MTSD-110.4Differentiate crystalline and non-crystalline structures.
MTSD-110.5Evaluate performance of materials under high temperature, radiation damages and Structure property relationship in concrete.
COsStructural Engineering Lab (MTSD-105)
MTSD-105.1Recall mix design, strength of concrete of different grades.
MTSD-105.2Describe destructive and non destructive testing of concrete.
MTSD-105.3Use tests of concrete for different grades in field.
MTSD-105.4Examine behavior of structural components under loading and its conditions.
COsComputational Lab-I (MTSD-106)
MTSD-106.1Recall the importance of computer programming in civil engineering.
MTSD-106.2Sketch and edit 2D and 3D drawing and customizing Autocad.
MTSD-106.3Examine the value of computational laboratory in design and drawing of building components and connections.

Semester 2

COsStructural Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering (MTSD-201)
MTSD-201.1Define key concepts related to structural dynamics, such as natural frequencies, damping and vibration characteristics of structures.
MTSD-201.2Recognize physical phenomenon in the context of structural vibration.
MTSD-201.3Demonstrate the assumptions and limitations of the structural dynamics theories.
MTSD-201.4Analyze engineering problems in the context of structural dynamics.
MTSD-201.5Formulate the equation of motion for dynamics analysis of structures.
MTSD-201.6Design structures with the consideration of structural dynamics.
COsStability of Structures (MTSD-202)
MTSD-202.1Explain behavior of structures.
MTSD-202.2Describe basic structural components and systems behave when they are subject to instability.
MTSD-202.3Apply various methods in analysis of structure.
MTSD-202.4Analyze structural components that are suspectible to instability.
COsDesign of Structures-II (MTSD-203)
MTSD-203.1Describe various elements of RCCStructures.
MTSD-203.2Explain different parameters of RCC Structures.
MTSD-203.3Apply the codal provisions to design various components of structure.
MTSD-203.4Analyze the behaviour of Structural Components.
MTSD-203.5Evaluate the reinforcement of RCC structure.
MTSD-203.6Design various Structural components.
COsRepair and Rehabilitation of Structures (MTSD-204)
MTSD-204.1Describe materials deficiency in concrete structures.
MTSD-204.2Explain properties of material.
MTSD-204.3Apply Non Destructive Testing techniques to field problems and cost effective retrofitting strategies for repairs in buildings.
MTSD-204.4Analyse methods and techniques used in repairing / strengthening existing concrete structures.
COsConstruction Failure (MTSD-210)
MTSD-210.1Define key concepts of construction failure and the historical references about failure in structure.
MTSD-210.2Describe cause of failures in structure.
MTSD-210.3Apply the codal provisions for durability of concrete structure with emphasis of corrosion of reinforcement.
MTSD-210.4Analyze engineering problems in context of construction failures.
COsStructural Engineering Design Practice Lab (MTSD-205)
MTSD-205.1Understand structural modeling techniques.
MTSD-205.2Explain concepts, terminology and rules used in software.
MTSD-205.3Analyze structural geometry using software.
MTSD-205.4Evaluating internal forces, displacements and other parameters for structural design.
COsComputational Lab-II (MTSD-206)
MTSD-206.1Recall the importance of Object oriented programming in civil engineering.
MTSD-206.2Application of C++ programming for structural engineering problems.
MTSD-206.3Evaluate the value of computational laboratory in design and drawing of building components and connections.
MTSD-206.4Development of Finite element programming to solve problems related to civil engineering using matrix method.

Semester 3

COsDesign of Structures-III (MTSD-301)
MTSD-301.1Describe properties of structural steel and its IS specification with various types of connections.
MTSD-301.2Explain Bunkers, Silos, Chimneys & Marine Structures.
MTSD-301.3Apply the principles and current code requirements to the analysis and design of reinforced concrete beams.
MTSD-301.4Compare methods of computing static pressure.
MTSD-301.5Evaluate the reinforcement used in RCC structure.
MTSD-301.6Design elements of RCC structures.
COsProfessional Practice (MTSD-302)
MTSD-302.1Describe the importance of structural design engineer & architects.
MTSD-302.2Explain different types of contracts.
MTSD-302.3Use of Tax planning & professional associations.
MTSD-302.4Analyse Professional fees and accounting procedures.
MTSD-302.5Construct office organization & structure.
COsComputational Lab-III (MTSD-303)
MTSD-303.1Outline the basic 2D ,3D modeling in CAD software.
MTSD-303.2Illustrate auto LISP programming for structural detailed drawing.
MTSD-303.3Evaluate the importance of application of professional software in structural engineering.
MTSD-303.4Design advanced softwares for introduction of artificial intelligence in structural design domin.
COsSeminar & Technical Writing (MTSD-304)
MTSD-304.1Identify relevant information, defining and explain topics under discussion.
MTSD-304.2Understand problem solving skills and apply theoretical knowledge.
MTSD-304.3Demonstrate the ability to learn and write both informal (scientific note taking) and formal (research paper) writing.
MTSD-304.4Calculate information, use and apply relevant theories.
MTSD-304.5Judge when to speak and how much to say, speak clearly and audible in a manner appropriate to the subject.
MTSD-304.6Develop ideas through creating work.
COsDissertation Phase-1 (MTSD-305)
MTSD-305.1Identify the complex engineering problems.
MTSD-305.2Understand different methodology for documentation as report.
MTSD-305.3Demonstrate systematic understanding and sound technical knowledge of their topic of project.
MTSD-305.4Examine the key stages to analyze / develop the project.
MTSD-305.5Select the suitable method which leads to appropriate results.
MTSD-305.6Design engineering solutions to various problems used to benefit society.
COsDesign of Bridge (MTSD-308)
MTSD-308.1Define basic concept of Bridge Engineering.
MTSD-308.2Understand various parameters of Bridge.
MTSD-308.3Choose various types of Bridges with their uses.
MTSD-308.4Compare various types of bridges.
MTSD-308.5Evaluate various types of Bridges.
MTSD-308.6Formulate proper designing of Bridges according to their codal provisions.

Semester 4

COsDissertation  (MTSD-401)
MTSD-401.1Identify the research topic/area in the field of Structure Design to carry out independent research.
MTSD-401.2Understand the process to carry out research in written format and report your result and conclusion with reference to existing literature.
MTSD-401.3Demonstrate appropriate reference and writing skills to report writing.
MTSD-401.4Analyze and synthesize research finding to the agreed area of research.
MTSD-401.5Evaluate the methods and knowledge to solve the specific research problem.
MTSD-401.6Develop result on the basis of evaluation and analysis undertake.