Course Outcomes

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Bachelor of Computer Applications
Course Outcomes
Semester: 1
Computer & Programming Fundamentals (BCA-101)
BCA-101.1Recall the fundamental concepts of computers with the present level of knowledge of the students.
BCA-101.2Classify operating systems, programming languages, peripheral devices, networking, multimedia and internet.
BCA-101.3Demonstrate computers at user level, including operative systems and programming environments.
BCA-101.4Evaluate the information needs to solve problems, recovering information and applying it to the resolution.
BCA-101.5Construct knowledge of computer equipment, including both hardware and software.
PC Software (BCA-102)
BCA-102.1Memorize the fundamental computer knowledge of I/O devices and Operating System.
BCA-102.2Derive the operating systems, peripheral devices, control panel and MS Office Suite.
BCA-102.3Illustrate the documentation using MS Word, exploring various menu options and tools on the ribbon.
BCA-102.4Examine Knowledge of MS Excel and Various operations that can be performed.
BCA-102.5Assemble the Power point presentation implementing Animation and sound effects.
Mathematics (BCA-103)
BCA-103.1Recall the basic concepts of sets, matrices, determinants, relations, functions, limits, continuity & calculus.
BCA-103.2Understand the various concepts of sets, matrices, determinants, relations, functions, limits, continuity & calculus.
BCA-103.3Apply the concept of sets to solve simple applications & concept of matrices to solve system of linear equations.
BCA-103.4Solve the various problems related to sets, matrices, determinants, relations, functions, limits, continuity & calculus.
Logical Organization of Computer-I (BCA-104)
BCA-104.1Memorize different type of codes and number systems which are used in digital computer systems.
BCA-104.2Compare different types of logic families which are the basic unit of different types of logic gates.
BCA-104.3Illustrate different types of digital electronic circuit using various mapping and logical tools and know the techniques to prepare the most simplified circuits using various mapping and mathematical methods.
BCA-104.4Examine different types of with and without memory element, digital circuits for operations, within the realm of electronic, performance, efficiency, user friendly and environmental constraints.
BCA-104.5Assemble the fundamental knowledge of analog and digital electronics to get different types of analog to digitalized signal and vice versa.
BCA-104.6Evaluate the nomenclature and technology in the area of memory devices and apply them in different types of digital circuits for real world application.
Practical Software Lab (BCA-105)
BCA-105.1Memorize the fundamental computer knowledge of I/O devices and Operating System.
BCA-105.2Create MS-Word documents, designing these document with bullets, numbering and other Word Art options in MS-Word
BCA-105.3Design MS-Excel sheets using different styles of tables, charts, formulas, functions (Mathematics, Logical)
BCA-105.4Create Powerpoint slides using single and multiple slides, animation and sound effects in it
BCA-105.5Design a file using tools of MS-Office completely
Semester: 2
‘C’ Programming (BCA-106)
BCA-106.1Describe the concept of C programming and its fundamental.
BCA-106.2Illustrate various controls statements, arrays and strings.
BCA-106.3Demonstrate Storage classes and pointers in C which is essential for utilizing memory.
BCA-106.4Examine different kind of functions, operator hierarchy & associativity between different elements of real life entities.
BCA-106.5Develop algorithms, flowchart and efficient program in C language for multiple applications.
Logical Organization of Computer-II (BCA-107)
BCA-107.1Memorize concept of logical organization computer system.
BCA-107.2Compare different types of sequential logic and sequential circuits.
BCA-107.3Examine memory and input/output devices of computer system with social and business perspective.
BCA-107.4Evaluate instruction design and Input/ output organization searching & designing innovative solution addressing business development problems.
BCA-107.5Criticize memory and input/output devices in multidisciplinary domains considering requirements of customer.
BCA-107.6Justify architecture of sequential logic and sequential circuits with real life business problems and develop solutions developing high level design.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (BCA-108)
BCA-108.1State and apply mathematical logic to solve problems
BCA-108.2Generalize sets, relations, functions and discrete structures
BCA-108.3Illustrate logical notations to define and reason about fundamental mathematical concepts such as sets relations and functions
BCA-108.4Focus on formulating problems and solve recurrence relations
BCA-108.5Evaluate  and solve real world problems using graphs and trees
Structured System Analysis and Design (BCA-109)
BCA-109.1Learn about system, SDLC, system planning and initial investigation, fact-finding and its techniques
BCA-109.2Define – structured analysis, its tools, feasibility study in detail and also learn about cost and benefit analysis with its final action
BCA-109.3Understand about system design, design methodologies, Input/Output and form design with their classification, requirements, objectives, types and layout considerations
BCA-109.4Know about system testing, testing techniques, test plan and also understand about the system implementation, evaluation and maintenance with their types
Practical Software Lab (BCA-110)
BCA-110.1Define the concept of C programming for real life entities.
BCA-110.2Describe decision making and branching statement.
BCA-110.3Apply various algorithms and function of C language in various applications.
BCA-110.4Construct Programs using pointers and arrays.
Semester: 3
Introduction to Operating System (BCA-201)
BCA-201.1Understand the need of operating system and define types of operating systems
BCA-201.2Describe and define process, threads and interprocess communication
BCA-201.3Evaluate and analyze various scheduling algorithms, identify deadlocks and describe the methods of handling deadlocks
BCA-201.4Understand file management, structure and allocation method
Data Structures – I (BCA-202)
BCA-202.1Understand the basic concepts of data structure like types, operations, applications, etc.
BCA-202.2Acquire knowledge about how to describe and implement arrays and linked list
BCA-202.3Acquire knowledge about how to describe and implement arrays and linked list
BCA-202.4Understand the concepts related to tree and graphs
BCA-202.5Evaluate complexity of different algorithms.
Introduction to Database System (BCA-203)
BCA-203.1Define the basic concepts of database systems, file system, Role of DBA.
BCA-203.2Describe the concept of DBMS Architecture, Data Base Models, ER Model, Concurrency Control and Recovery.
BCA-203.3Apply SQL commands to create tables and query data in a relational DBMS.
BCA-203.4Differentiate between Relational Database Designs.
BCA-203.5Construct a model based on application’s data requirements using conceptual modeling tools.
Communication skills (English) (BCA-204)
BCA-204.1Describe communication & its types.
BCA-204.2Apply the knowledge in different grammatical cohesion.
BCA-204.3Classify the barriers of communication in our day today life.
BCA-204.4Develop ideas in writing skill.
Practical Software Lab (BCA-205)
BCA-205.1Recall C Programming Syntax.
BCA-205.2Describe different data structures and SQL commands
BCA-205.3Implement different searching and sorting algorithms and SQl commands
BCA-205.4Examine different algorithms based on their time complexity.
BCA-205.5Assemble suitable data structure & algorithm to solve a real world problem and also design a database.
Semester: 4
Web Designing (BCA-206)
BCA-206.1Define HTML list, table and forms, the forms with menu working radio button, check box, text box, etc
BCA-206.2Describe basic knowledge of DHTML JSSS and CSS
BCA-206.3Understand the language HTML, how HTML language tags are used, and how these tags are helpful in making website
BCA-206.4Analyze the utility of different tools in web designing for different applications
BCA-206.5Evaluate the performance of techniques/tools used for developing interactive data oriented websites.
Data Structures – II (BCA-207)
BCA-207.1Memorize the students with data structures used for representing data in memory like Arrays, Linked Lists, Graphs, Trees etc.
BCA-207.2Represent knowledge of various methods used in data structures such as brute force, divide and conquer, greedy, etc.
BCA-207.3Classify various physical storage devices and files
BCA-207.4Correlate Knowledge of advanced abstract data type (ADT) and data structures and their implementations.
BCA-207.5Learn Hashing functions and collision resolution methods
Object Oriented Programming using C++ (BCA-208)
BCA-208.1Describe the procedural and object oriented paradigm with concepts of string, classes, functions, data and objects.
BCA-208.2Identify dynamic memory management techniques using pointers, constructors & destructors.
BCA-208.3Illustrate the concept of function overloading, operator overloading, virtual functions and polymorphism.
BCA-208.4Differentiate between various levels of Inheritance for real time problems.
BCA-208.5Implement exception handling mechanisms and Templates in C++.
Software Engineering (BCA-209)
BCA-209.1Define the basic concept of software, process and lifecycle Models.
BCA-209.2Identify the various components of SRS document and their relevance
BCA-209.3Describe the software project management and classify the various project planning techniques
BCA-209.4Understand the relationship between software design and software implementation
BCA-209.5Write down the classification of various software maintenance methods and issues
Practical Software Lab (BCA-210)
BCA-210.1Identify various websites available in public domain.
BCA-210.2Use the characteristics of an object-oriented programming language in a program.
BCA-210.3Evaluate various features of websites available in public domain and basic object-oriented design principles in computer problem solving
BCA-210.4Develop various websites using HTML, CSS, and XML and Formulate the program with advanced features of the C++ programming language.
Semester: 5
Management Information System (BCA-301)
BCA-301.1Define the basic concepts of Information Systems.
BCA-301.2Describe the types of information systems supporting the major functional areas of the business.
BCA-301.3Apply different technologies of MIS in the area of business.
BCA-301.4Distinguish the classical and contemporary models of managerial activities and roles.
BCA-301.5Evaluate the role of information systems in today’s competitive business environment.
Computer Graphics (BCA-302)
BCA-302.1Define the components & applications of graphics system and display devices related with them.
BCA-302.2Describe graphic system, application area of graphics, define various input output devices and differentiate between raster scan and random scan
BCA-302.3Apply various graphics drawing algorithms and 2D -3D transformations.
BCA-302.4Evaluate evaluate 2d transformation, viewing pipeline and clipping algorithms
Data Communication and Networking (BCA-303)
BCA-303.1Describe basic computer network technology and protocols.
BCA-303.2Understand Data Encoding Techniques and various switching mechanism.
BCA-303.3Illustrate the functions of Error detection and Correction.
BCA-303.4Analyze the various Routing algorithm and Encryption Methods.
Visual Basic (BCA-304)
BCA-304.1Discuss and improve skills in object-oriented analysis, design, programming, and testing.
BCA-304.2Understand VB application environment and event driven programming
BCA-304.3Learn about basic programming concepts like variables, operators and various control for I/O in VB
BCA-304.4Implement various control constructs, arrays and collections used in VB
BCA-304.5Learn and implement about procedure, subroutine and menu driven programming
Practical Software Lab (BCA-305)
BCA-305.1Discuss the knowledge of programming terminology and how it is applied using Visual Basic (e.g., variables, selection statements, repetition statements, etc.) AND Draw and view objects in 2D
BCA-305.2Demonstrate an Event Planning Chart based on problem description so as to define the processing that is to occur based on specific events AND Apply transformation and filling techniques for modifying an object
BCA-305.3Evaluate a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on problem description.
BCA-305.4Develop and debug applications using Visual Basic 2010 (or version required for the course) that runs under Windows operating system and Create line and circle using DDA, Bresenham’s& Midpoint circle algorithm
Semester: 6
E-Commerce (BCA-306)
BCA-306.1Define the business impact and potential of E-Commerce.
BCA-306.2Describe the technologies required to make E-Commerce viable.
BCA-306.3Apply the trends in e-commerce and the use of the Internet.
BCA-306.4Know the difference between traditional and modern e-payment system
BCA-306.5Familiarize with EDI technology and its working
BCA-306.6Learn about the concept of EDI standards, EDI implementation, EDI agreement and EDI security
Object Technologies & Programming using Java (BCA-307)
BCA-307.1Express Object Oriented programming concept using basic syntaxes of control Structures, strings and function for developing skills of logic building activity
BCA-307.2Articulate classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed for a finding the solution to specific problem
BCA-307.3Illustrate how to achieve reusability using inheritance, interfaces and packages and describes faster application development can be achieved.
BCA-307.4Support the understanding and use of different exception handling mechanisms and concept of multithreading for robust faster and efficient application development.
BCA-307.5Develop user interface components to design GUI in Java using Applet & AWT along with response to events
Artificial intelligence (BCA-308)
BCA-308.1Describe the concepts and importance of artificial intelligence and Indentify application area of artificial intelligence in real life.
BCA-308.2Compare different types of heuristic search techniques and discus the problems, problems space and issues in the design of the search problem.
BCA-308.3Examine approaches knowledge representation and predicate logic considering social and business issues.
BCA-308.4Evaluate expert system addressing problems of business and society.
BCA-308.5Distinguish artificial intelligence concepts in multidisciplinary domains considering social needs.
BCA-308.6Justify artificial intelligence in real life social & business problems and develop solutions.
Introduction to .net (BCA-309)
BCA-309.1Define .net framework, class libraries in .NET.
BCA-309.2Understand object oriented Programming in C#.NET application.
BCA-309.3Apply classes, methods and objects in C#.
BCA-309.4Analyze C# language concept.
BCA-309.5Develop exception handling and Interfaces in .NET application environment.
Practical Software Lab (BCA-310)
BCA-310.1Implement the basic concept like Data types variables, constants, default values, boxing and unboxing with the help of Java and .Net
BCA-310.2Create the program implementing the concept of operators and expressions in Java and .Net
BCA-310.3Implement the concepts of object oriented programming in Java and .Net
BCA-310.4Implement inheritance and polymorphism in Java and .Net

Master Of Computer Applications

Course Outcomes
Semester: 1
Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C (20BCC11C1)
20BCC11C1.1Define computer basics and role of operating system.
20BCC11C1.2Explain about concepts of computer networks, Internet and social impacts of IT.
20BCC11C1.3Apply understanding of PC Software Tools – Word, Excel and Power-Point.
20BCC11C1.4Demonstrate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
20BCC11C1.5Evaluate C programs implementing all features of C.
C++ and Data Structures (20BCC11C2)
20BCC11C2.1Define concept of object oriented programming and its features.
20BCC11C2.2Explain insights about C++ features and access specifiers.
20BCC11C2.3Apply concepts of polymorphism and inheritance.
20BCC11C2.4Analyze various algorithms on basis of their performance.
20BCC11C2.5Evaluate use of stack, queue and linked list data structures.
Visual Basic & Database Systems (20BCC11C3)
20BCC11C3.1Define, create, build, and debug Visual Basic applications & explore Visual Basic IDE.
20BCC11C3.2Explain syntax rules of different constructs/components in Visual Basic programs &c onnectivity with database.
20BCC11C3.3Apply the concepts of database & its models.
20BCC11C3.4Analyze the concept of relational model and different forms of Normalization.
20BCC11C3.5Evaluate the knowledge of Transaction Management and concurrency control.
Lab based on 20BCC11C1, 20BCC11C2 & 20BCC11C3 (20BCC11CL1)
20BCC11CL1.1Apply various algorithms and syntax of C language in various applications using conditional statements,structures,arrays,functions,pointers.
20BCC11CL1.2Use the characteristics of an object-oriented programming language in a program using features of the C++ programming language.
20BCC11CL1.3Develop application using PL/SQL & front end tools
20BCC11CL1.4Implement  different searching and sorting algorithms in C
20BCC11CL1.5Develop and debug applications using Visual Basic that runs under Windows operating system and Create line and circle using DDA, Bresenham’s& Midpoint circle algorithm.
Object Oriented Programming using JAVA (20MCA21C1)
20MCA21C1.1Use variables and data types in Java language for program development.
20MCA21C1.2Explain arrays, String and Selection Statements.
20MCA21C1.3Develop Java programs using object-oriented programming techniques including classes, objects, methods, instance variables, interface.
20MCA21C1.4Analyze the implementation of Exception handling and its Packages.
20MCA21C1.5Evaluate the programs using Multithreading and Window based applications.
Compiler Design (20MCA21C2)
20MCA21C2.1Define concepts of compilation process and its use in various fields of computer languages.
20MCA21C2.2Explain the lexical and syntactical analysis phase of compilation.
20MCA21C2.3Solve theoretical problems related to scanners and parsers
20MCA21C2.4Analyze intermediate codes and apply possible code optimizations.
20MCA21C2.5Evaluate system programs like compilers for varying needs.
Computer Graphics & Multimedia (20MCA21C3)
20MCA21C3.1Define basics of computer graphics, display devices and graphics standards.
20MCA21C3.2Explain  graphics primitives and their importance.
20MCA21C3.3Apply 2D transformations and representation of 3D objects.
20MCA21C3.4Analyze about 3D transformations, hidden surfaces and color models.
20MCA21C3.5Evaluate multimedia authoring and create a multimedia project using Flash/Blender multimedia software.
Digital Design & Computer Architecture (20MCA21C4)
20MCA21C4.1Define digital functions in the form of digital logic and perform binary arithmetic operations
20MCA21C4.2Explain commonly used sequential and combinational circuits.
20MCA21C4.3Apply basic computer design and developing 8086/8088 A/L programs for small applications.
20MCA21C4.4Analyze CPU design and Input/Output organization
20MCA21C4.5Evaluate advanced computer architectural aspects and parallel designs
Advance Data Structures using C++/Java (20MCA21C5)
20MCA21C5.1Define about analyzing and designing algorithms to solve a problem and learn to find the asymptotic efficiency of an algorithm.
20MCA21C5.2Explain about binary tree and its applications.
20MCA21C5.3Apply advanced data structures such as balanced search trees and heap hash operations
20MCA21C5.4Analyze various graphs & its algorithms
20MCA21C5.5Evaluate various graph processing algorithms and Algorithm Design techniques
Software Lab-1 (20MCA21CL1)
20MCA21CL1.1Apply various graphics drawing algorithms and 2D -3D transformations using C.
20MCA21CL1.2Apply optimization techniques for intermediate code and generate machine code for high level language program, syntax directed translation schemes for a given context free grammar, lexical analyzer for a language.
20MCA21CL1.3Create Java programs using object-oriented programming techniques including classes, objects, methods, instance variables, interface.
20MCA21CL1.4Implement programs of Multithreading , Window based programs
Software Lab-2  (20MCA21CL2)
20MCA21CL2.1Construct digital functions in the form of a digital logic and perform binary arithmetic operation.
20MCA21CL2.2Develop Basic computer design and 8086/8088 A/L programs for small applications.
20MCA21CL2.3Develop programs using advanced data structures such as balanced search trees and heap hash operations.
20MCA21CL2.4Develop programs for various searching and sorting techniques
Semester: 2
Advance Object Technology (20MCA22C1)
20MCA22C1.1Define the use of DHTML and XML in data exchange.
20MCA22C1.2Explain use of various AWT controls and event handling for development of an Applet.
20MCA22C1.3Explain utilization of Swing components for the web application development
20MCA22C1.4Analyze applications using Servlets, parameter passing and concept of session maintenance.
20MCA22C1.5Evaluate and determine basic JSP applications.
Advance Database Systems & Data Warehouse (20MCA22C2)
20MCA22C2.1Find the difference between ER and EER model.
20MCA22C2.2Explain the concepts of OODBMS and ORDBMS.
20MCA22C2.3Identify parallel and distributed database and Client-Server architecture.
20MCA22C2.4Analyze Emerging database based on the types of data.
20MCA22C2.5Evaluate about the concepts of data warehouse, its types, architecture and schema.
Operating Systems & Shell Programming (20MCA22C3)
20MCA22C3.1Define basic concepts of Operating Systems and their structure.
20MCA22C3.2Illustrate about concept of processes and process scheduling.
20MCA22C3.3Utilize about interprocess communication and role of semaphores.
20MCA22C3.4Analyze in detail about Deadlock, memory management and I/O management.
20MCA22C3.5Discuss Linux basics and Shell programming
Basics of E-Commerce (16COMF2)
16COMF2.1Recall and understanding of the foundation and importance of E-commerce.
16COMF2.2Describe internal trading relationship including Business to consumer, Business-to-Business, intra organizational.
16COMF2.3Analysis the impact of E- commerce on business models and strategy.
16COMF2.4Evaluate and discuss the global E-commerce issues.
16COMF2.5Deploy the key features of internet, intranets, and Extranets and explain how they relate to each other
16COMF2.6Study of Technology for online business – internet, IT infrastructure in Laboratory
Software Engineering (20MCA22DB2)
20MCA22DB2.1Define basic concepts of Software Engineering and the phases in a software project.
20MCA22DB2.2Explain fundamental concepts of requirements engineering and SRS document.
20MCA22DB2.3Discuss about software design process and design methodologies.
20MCA22DB2.4Analyze various software testing level and software project management activities.
20MCA22DB2.5Explain software maintenance types and software configuration management activities.
 Computer Networks & Distributed Systems (20MCA22DA2)
20MCA22DA2.1Define basic concepts data communication and computer networks.
20MCA22DA2.2Explain about OSI model and TCP/IP.
20MCA22DA2.3Develop understanding about working of different layers of TCP/IP and OSI model.
20MCA22DA2.4Analyze about concept Distributed Systems and Synchronization.
20MCA22DA2.5Explain about replication management, fault tolerance and security in Distributed system
Software Lab-3 (20MCA22CL1)
20MCA22CL1.1Develop applications using Servlets, parameter passing and concept of session maintenance.
20MCA22CL1.2Design and develop basic JSP applications.
20MCA22CL1.3Develop understanding about working of different layers of TCP/IP and OSI model.
Software Lab-4 (20MCA22CL2)
20MCA22CL2.1Understand the concepts of OODBMS,ORDBMS and make queries to implement
20MCA22CL2.2Study about parallel and distributed database and Client-Server architecture.
20MCA22CL2.3Define commands on Windows and Unix Operating System
20MCA22CL2.4Develop programs using shell scripting.
Industry Internship Report/ Project Report/Dissertation –I (20MCA22C4)
20MCA22C4.1Identify various technologies and fields for practical training.
20MCA22C4.2Understand the process to make reports and presentation.
20MCA22C4.3Applying engineering knowledge to solve industrial problems.
20MCA22C4.4Analyze ethical practices and tools used in different technologies
20MCA22C4.5Evaluate the performance on parameters such as communication skills, technical knowledge.
20MCA22C4.6Design and develop the skills to make software/hardware, related to industrial training.
Semester: 3
Data Mining & Big Data Analytics (21MCA23C1)
21MCA23C1.1Define Data Mining Systems and Pattern Analysis.
21MCA23C1.2Understand Classification and Clustering techniques.
21MCA23C1.3Identify Big Data and relevance of Big Data Analytics.
21MCA23C1.4Analyze Map Reduce and its features.
21MCA23C1.5Evaluate Hadoop and Hadoop Eco-System.
Artificial Intelligence & Computational Intelligence (21MCA23C2)
21MCA23C2.1Define the concept of Artificial intelligence, problem solving and searching process.
21MCA23C2.2Understand the concept of Expert system with its architecture and life cycle.
21MCA23C2.3Analyze the concepts of computational intelligence evolutionary computation and neural networks.
21MCA23C2.4Evaluate the uncertainty in knowledge using fuzzy logic and understand concepts of fuzzy logic
Android Mobile Application Development (21MCA23C3)
21MCA23C3.1Explain concepts of android application development process
21MCA23C3.2Understand Playing and Recording of Audio and Video in application.
21MCA23C3.3Apply location and mapping related user interfaces in android applications.
21MCA23C3.4Analyze algorithms for use in MVC model of development.
21MCA23C3.5Evaluate Playing and Recording of Audio and Video in application.
Software Testing & Quality Assurance (21MCA23DA2)
21MCA23DA2.2Use of Software Quality Assurance.
21MCA23DA2.3Apply Software Testing Strategies and Metrics for Software testing.
21MCA23DA2.4Analyze Object Oriented Testing strategies.
21MCA23DA2.5Implement Quality management standards and methods.
Network Programming (21MCA23DB1)
21MCA23DB1.1Define Windows Socket API and their programming.
21MCA23DB1.2Understand TCP/IP and Network Architecture.
21MCA23DB1.3Performing client side programming and server side programming.
21MCA23DB1.4Analyze Web programming and implementing security.
21MCA23DB1.5Creating sockets and socket implementation.
Software Lab-5 Based on 21MCA23C1&21MCA2 3C3(21MCA23CL1)
21MCA23C1.1Develop a data mining application for data analysis using various tools.
21MCA23C1.2Develop the patterns that can be discovered by association rule mining.
21MCA2 3C2.3Implement typical computational intelligence algorithms in MATLAB.
21MCA2 3C3.4Develop UI based Mobile Application using Android Studio.
Software Lab-6 Based on 21MCA23C2, Elective I & II (21MCA23CL2)
21MCA23C2.1Implement any topology using network devices
21MCA23C2.2Design and develop IoT based sensor systems.
21MCA23DB1.3Create socket and analyze different client server model.
21MCA23DB1.4Applying Network routing algorithm.
21MCA23DB1.5Develop the process of implementing simple routed internetwork.
Semester: 4
Advance Software Engineering(21MCA24C1)
21MCA24C1.1Define the emerging software engineering practices and their suitability.
21MCA24C1.2Understand the concept of clean room software development and engineering web applications.
21MCA24C1.3Understand the concept of scrum and agile requirements.
21MCA24C1.4Analyze DevOps and its relevance in current scenario.
21MCA24C1.5Evaluate agile software development and significance
IoT & Sensor Networks (21MCA24C2)
21MCA24C2.1Explain the OSI Model for the IoT/M2M Systems.
21MCA24C2.2Understand the concepts of IoT and its applications..
21MCA24C2.3Understand the architecture and design principles for IoT.
21MCA24C2.4Analyze programming for IoT Applications.
21MCA24C2.5Evaluate the communication protocols which best suits the WSNs
Web Development Using . NET Framework (21MCA24C3)
 21MCA24C3.1Define Web development and Visual Studio environment.
 21MCA24C3.2Understand important concepts of .NET Framework and Deployment.
 21MCA24C3.3Apply Access Database using ADO.NET and use ASP.NET for Application Development and Secure Web Services.
 21MCA24C3.4Analyze Component Services, Threading, Remoting, Windows services.
 21MCA24C3.5Design, Develop and Create Applications with C#.
Cyber Security & Block Chain Technology (21MCA24DA1)
21MCA24DA1.1Define the concepts of cyber threats, cyber crime, cyber security and understand the vulnerability scanning
21MCA24DA1.2Understand cyber crime, hacking attacks and cyber laws.
21MCA24DA1.3Apply advanced network defence tools and web application tools.
21MCA24DA1.4Design, Develop and Create the applications of block chain technology.
Machine Learning & Python Programming (21MCA24DB1)
21MCA24DB1.1Define supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.
21MCA24DB1.2Understand the basic concept of Machine learning.
21MCA24DB1.3Apply data types, operators used in Python.
21MCA24DB1.4Analyze Python with other programming languages and Learn the use of control structures and functions in Python.
21MCA24DB1.5Design, Develop and Create packages, 2D & 3D visualization, database in machine learning using Python
Software Lab-7 Based on 21MCA24C1, 21MCA24C2 & Elective II(21MCA24CL1)
21MCA24C1.1Apply various white box and black box testing techniques.
21MCA24C1.2Develop function oriented and object oriented software design using toolbox in visual programming.
21MCA24C2.3Design and develop IoT based sensor systems.
21MCA24C2.4Create socket and analyze different client server model.
21MCA24DB1.5Design, Develop and Create packages, 2D & 3D visualization, database in machine learning using Python.
Software Lab-8 Based on 21MCA24C3 & Elective-I (21MCA24CL2)
21MCA24C3.1Develop application using Microsoft Windows Forms.
21MCA24C3.2Creating website using ASP.Net Controls.
21MCA24C3.3Develop web pages using the ASP.Net with different layouts as per need of applications.
21MCA24C3.4Design modern interactive web applications using PHP.
Industry Internship Report/ Project Report/ Dissertation –II(21MCA24C4)
21MCA24C4.1Write a comprehensive review of the literature, including a review of other dissertation research related to their study.
21MCA24C4.2Design of their study with a discussion of the methodology to be used.
21MCA24C4.3Draw valid conclusions, relating them to the research topic.
21MCA24C4.4Develop research skills of administrating research tools and data collection.
21MCA24C4.5Design, Develop an insight to solve educational problems in scientific manner.